Once you have rounded out all the home theatre systems you need, you will soon notice that the once-empty space you had is now cramped with gadgets. While the clutter may not be what you had in mind when you dreamed up of the room, it is an inevitable result if you are intent on getting all the gizmos out there to deck out your home theater. Before resigning to living with the chaos, there are a few tricks you can do to reclaim that relaxing area you had imagined.
1. Media Storage
If you were too hung up on the brand of surround sound system you want for your home theater, you have likely forgotten about storage cabinets for all your media content. Without these nifty organizers, your video games will soon create their own mountains on every corner and your DVDs will use up just about every flat surface you have available. By purchasing a few media cabinets with enough room to store your current and possibly future content purchases, you need not be distracted with all the titles lying around. Another option is to store a soft copy of your favorite games in your Wii or Xbox so you can stash away their cases.
2. Wireless Connections
Running wires around your room may both be a headache and an eyesore, but it is necessary for the devices to work together. To do away with the collection of remote controls, you can look into getting a universal remote and program in each of the device’s controls.
3. Hung and Out of the Way
When floor space is valuable in the room, it is best that some devices are kept off the floor and hung on the walls. A few inexpensive brackets are all you need to position your plasma up the wall. The same technique can be done on your speakers so they will not litter the floor. Wireless speakers or a wireless router are your other alternatives to cut down on the clutter.
4. Prime Seats for All
In order for you not to entertain in a maze of gaming chairs and couches, find a template to arrange your furniture well. You can put in risers so every seat will have a vantage view of the screen. If you have kids, remember to put in child-proofing hardware to ensure safety in your game room.
Source: http://lifehacker.com/5145502/top-10-cheap-or-free-home-theater-upgrades