There are a lot of new TVs and HDTV models today that already have the feature of connectivity to the internet. This will allow homeowners to wire their TVs and display on their bigger screens what they only usually see on the tiny screen of their computers. Although this is an increasing trend, there are still a lot of people who question the purpose on why TVs should be connected to the internet.
For the convenience of everybody, here are the most important advantages that a homeowner could get if they wire their TVs to the internet.
- Live streaming of movies from online movie rental services. One of the more obvious reasons why connecting the TV to the internet and web is to watch movies straight from your online servers. This is very much applicable to those homeowners who have HDTVs in their home theater system because they can simply rent HD movies from movie rentals services and websites just like Netflix and watch the motion picture straight from the net through streaming without any problem. This is really a convenient way of watching movies and choosing from their thousands of titles in their selections. In addition to movies, people can also watch episodes from their favorite TV series straight from the net. Companies like Netflix and Vudu can offer a number of great high quality films. Subscribers can also opt to buy the movie or just rent it for one streaming episode.
- Online widgets. Online widgets are those that you see on the side of the screen of your webpage that shows a variety of information from the time and date to the local weather and some breaking news during that hour. When your TV is connected to the internet, you can choose to display the widgets of your choice on the screen and you can take a look at your twitter feed, your local weather, check any new mails, and look at the fluctuation of stocks in the market during the commercial break.
- Music streaming. If you include internet connection during your home theater installation, you will get the benefit of listening to high quality music not just through your TV but also through your surround music system. You can scan from millions of songs online and you can even choose to show their music videos to display on the screen while the music is being played. Many radio stations also have their online streaming so you get everything on the internet conveniently on your TV.