Toronto Home Theater

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Every January of each year, guests from all over the world converge in one place to drool over the latest and the greatest home theatre systems and other gadgets at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). If you have been invited to one or looking forward to attending it, there are a few items to watch out for to make the most out of your visit.

  • TV Technology – At virtually all CES, TVs and home theater projectors manufacturers race to present both the major and minor tweaks on their brands. While some are praised for the leaps they take, such as the coming out of the 3D TVs in the recent shows, with and without the need of sunglasses, there are also others that would rather exhibit a better version of their existing technology. This could mean wider screen sizes, decrease in thickness, sharper picture quality, and other new features. If you are looking to upgrade and are awed by the 3D technology, remember that the content is a little slower to follow. Finding a model that can still work with your existing home theater devices will allow you more use in the long run.
  • Sound Systems – Audiophiles are bound to be enthralled at the CES. Not only can you expect to see improved devices that can receive and transmit sounds by wireless means, you will catch goodies like surround sound media or gaming chairs, ear phones and headsets that have more fun features than what you could dream of.
  • Games and Gaming Consoles – Both content and device systems in the video gaming industry will also be exhibiting their new contraptions and video games that will blow every ardent player’s mind, like a variety of knickknacks that will enable you to control your games without touching the screen and elevate the gaming experience. More breakthroughs in the tablet and other hand-held technology usually use the CES to make their first appearance.

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  • Anything and Everything Electronic – From cars to health and fitness gizmos, the products that make it to the CES are there to astound every attendee and get them excited at what will soon be hitting the shelves. Or perhaps not. Some companies would just be there to test customer response on their products. Those who regularly attend the CES  are most likely be updated with where some exhibitors are heading with their products next and have a general idea on what to expect. Still, the CES has a lot going on that even these regulars know that a surprise or two would be waiting for them.
