2015 has been a very satisfying year for movie buffs. There’s the exhilarating Furious 7, riveting Mad Max: Fury Road, heartwarming Inside Out and the surprising indie hit, It Follows. Now that’s just the top of our head. We can go on and on how fantastic this year has been in film but today, we’d like to add more fuel to that excitement.
In no particular order, we’ve listed some of the most anticipated films you need to see in theatres this fall. Yes, there is more to this season than Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Hunger Games: Mockingjay.
- Rock the Kasbah (October 23)
We’re starting off strong here by letting you know that Bill Murray is back on the big screen. This time around, he plays a struggling music manager who just can’t seem to land the big time, only to find himself in Afghanistan convincing an American teenage singer to join a local competition.
- Black Mass (September 18)
If you’ve always wondered what Johnny Depp would look like with cobra-like eyes, then this is your chance. Johnny plays a notorious Boston multiple murderer/ mobster, alongside Joel Edgerton as an FBI agent.
- The Night Before (November 25)
What’s a blockbuster list without a slapstick comedy, right? Jonathan Levine makes a comeback after two successful indie films, 50/50 and The Wackness. If Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen and Anthony Mackie won’t get you going, we don’t know what will.
- Goosebumps (October 16)
Everyone who grew up reading the cheeky novels all wished Goosebumps will soon land on the big screen. Thankfully, it finally did and it stars no less than the cheekiest lad himself, Jack Black. He finds himself in the middle of all the ghostly monsters he created, as they all spring to life.
- The Visit (September 11)
Before you throw shade on us, we all know we always end up watching a Shyamalan when the opportunity presents itself. The Sixth Sense mastermind is back and he’s out to make us realize that grannies aren’t always about the cookies and bedtime stories.
- Spectre (November 6)
While we’re all secretly wishing for a new Bond already, this should do for now. Daniel Craig stars in his fourth 007 installment based on an original story but still taking cues from Ian Fleming’s novels, with the titular agency called Spectre.
- Captive (September 18)
There’s always the underdog that would end up becoming a surprise hit. We’re placing our bets on Captive, where Kate Mara plays a hostage victim who would later on use Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life in attempt to talk her captor down.
- Burnt (October 23)
Those who have a love-hate relationship with Anthony Bourdain were more than interested to get an insider scoop after Bradley Cooper took on the role of the famed host/chef back in the short-lived Kitchen Confidential. Now, Cooper is back and portraying yet another chef slash drug addict who is determined to reclaim himself as a three-star Michelin restaurant god.
- The Good Dinosaur (November 25)
Inside Out is recently smashed the ratings. Taking from its success, Pixar is going to release one more movie this year. Good Dinosaur shows us how the world would have been if the dinosaurs were never wiped out from the face of the planet.
- Pan (October 9)
Attention, live action fairy tale fans because this might just be the gem you’ve been waiting for. After an embarrassing run by Snow White and the Huntsman, here lies Pan, the epic reimagining the well-loved children’s classic. Oh and we have to say, Hugh Jackman looks mighty fine as the begrudged Blackbeard.
- The Martian (October 2)
It doesn’t get more American ideal than Matt Damon portraying the snarky yet determined guy who will do whatever it takes to survive after becoming stranded in Mars. This is a more positive take of mankind’s future taken on Ridley Scott, compared to Prometheus.
- By the Sea (November 13)
Just admit it: You were also waiting for another Brangelina movie since Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Well, it could get more intense, dramatic and moving than By the Sea. Directed by no less than Angelina herself, the Unbroken genius is now out to show everyone what it means to be in a destructive marriage. Let’s just hope they’re not exactly like this in real life.