Biggest Trends and Talks to Watch in CES 2019

CES is a yearly event celebrated to keep up with the trends about technology and electronic devices. This is an event where a lot of people gather to check out trends that made news for this year. You can get your universal remote and watch this event in your home theater room to stay up […]
Gifts For Her This Christmas 2018

Christmas is fast approaching and all around the shopping malls people are hanging decorations and lights and in some places, you may even see a tall Christmas tree or two. The celebration of Christmas or at least the spirit of it is each and every one of us this season – sometimes, even those who […]
TIFF – Toronto International Film Festival Sept 7-17

Who needs Hollywood when you’ve got all the access to celebrities and the year’s biggest movies right here in Toronto? The Toronto International Film Festival, which is affectionately dubbed “TIFF,” is the biggest film festival in the T.Dot, and this year it will be filled with all of Hollywood’s biggest and most well-respected celebrities, directors, […]
12 Films You Have to See This Fall 2015

2015 has been a very satisfying year for movie buffs. There’s the exhilarating Furious 7, riveting Mad Max: Fury Road, heartwarming Inside Out and the surprising indie hit, It Follows. Now that’s just the top of our head. We can go on and on how fantastic this year has been in film but today, we’d […]
T’is the season to go shopping: One of a kind Christmas show 2013

Forget Christmas movie marathons on your home theater this coming holiday season. Put down the universal remote control and head out over to downtown Toronto on November 28 for one of the most anticipated Christmas events in the city. The One of a Kind Christmas Show, which will be held in the Direct Energy Centre […]