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Stress Free Holiday Party Planning on a Budget

holiday home theater parties

Being the “hostess with the mostess” this holiday can surely earn you brownie points from your neighbors, friends and family. But the stress of planning out the menu, buying the supplies and ingredients and cleaning up after, can a take a toll on your sanity and your budget.

But don’t fret. Here are a couple of sneaky tricks to planning a holiday party that’s guaranteed fabulous and unforgettable sans the huge expenses:

  • Put your home theater system to a good use. If it comes with an outdoor projector, you can treat your guests to some good, old-fashioned drive thru experience with a touch of sophistication in your own backyard. And if they have kids, they’ll surely enjoy family-friendly Christmas movies and will even keep them at bay while you enjoy your time with the grown-ups. Just make sure you keep the surround sound volume at a bearable level. You don’t want to deal with cranky neighbors.
  • If you hate the idea of cleaning up piles of dishes, opt for grab-and-go finger foods that are filling, yet, do not require utensils. This cuts your post holiday party clean-up to half. For drinks, whip up some cocktails instead of purchasing expensive wines. They’re not just surprisingly refreshing, they also scream “hip” and “upscale”.
  • Set the ambience by turning down the overheads and opting for softer, dimmer lights. Decorate your home with metallic accents and amber votive holders as these bounce of light and give your home a warm and festive atmosphere.Music, too, can help in setting the mood. Instead of playing the usual holiday favourites, mix up traditional holiday tunes with your favourite party tunes for a more upscale holiday party. If you’re going for a more sophisticated atmosphere, opt for Jazzy versions of old-time favourite Christmas tunes.
  • While guests not wanting to leave is an indication that your party was a success, you’ve had a long night and you deserve a good night’s rest. But rather than kicking them out of your house, it’s best to call it a night, subtly. Lower the music, turn on one of the overhead lights and maybe whip out some coffee or tea to give them a hint that you are about to say goodnight. If they still don’t get the hint, start cleaning up.