What is Needed for a Media Room?

With more and more people staying home, as a result of numerous firms and businesses transitioning into online work-from-home setups against the backdrop of the pandemic, it has become more apparent how important it is to designate safe spaces in your homes for relaxation. Quite often, it is easy to feel trapped in this setup. […]
Does Surround Sound Make a Difference?

If you’re looking at home theater products because you want to update your current system, choosing the speakers plays a crucial role in an immersive home cinema experience. Most newbies always ask if surround sound makes a big difference from a simple stereo setup. And the answer is yes. Learn more about it below: Describing […]
Is LED projector better than LCD?

Are you planning on leveling up your home by setting up a home theater or upgrading your current one? If so, you may still be vacillating between setting up an LED projector system or installing an LCD for a more silver screen-like experience. We are here to help you decide and put an end to the long-standing […]
3 Common Home Theater Mistakes That Homeowners Commit

Since there are still many mistakes that are commonly committed by homeowners when they install their home theater systems, we are continuing to publish articles about these mistakes. It is not good to spend hefty amounts of money on a home theater system but you are not able to take advantage of what it can […]
Cleaning 101 for Gadgets and Electronic Appliances

Many people will be surprised to know how truly dirty and infested with germs and bacteria their electronic gadgets and appliances are. Hamilton Estate Services offers this cleaning and even more extreme cleaning. Mobile devices such as your cell phones and tablets can harbour up to 600 units of bacteria. One in every six mobile […]
How To Protect Your Gear From Power Surges

If you are not careful, the thing that powers your gear will also be the one that will kill it. Electric power is useful if it is utilized properly. However, when it is unbridled, it can wreak havoc to your priceless equipment like your home theater system or home theater projectors. If you don’t handle […]
Top Eight Best Concerts On DVD/BluRay Of All Times

If you are a music aficionado and are thinking of adding amazing DVD/BluRay discs to your concert collection, you might want to get hold of the top eight best concerts available on DVD/Bluray. Our list is not organized in a top to bottom manner since all of these concerts can stand on their own right. […]
12 Best Christmas Movies for the Family

Now that we’ve decked the halls with just about every Christmas decoration, it’s time to kick back, relax and binge on some of the best Christmas movies around. This time, we’ve gathered the most popular Christmas movies for the family that will definitely entertain everybody, along with some of the best quotes to remember the […]
Home Audio Tips You Should Know by Now

For audiophiles and sound freaks alike, the right home audio is the holy grail of one’s home. Whether you’re listening to music or binging on Netflix, it’s essential to have the finest home audio system you can afford. Of course, we don’t expect everyone to know everything there is to know about hoe audio systems. […]
Watching Movies in Home Theater this Summer!

The temperature is getting hotter, beaches and malls are starting to get crowded. What activity do you enjoy most in this type of weather? You surely wanted to get tan under the sun or play with the splash of waves. But some wanted to detach themselves from crowd, so they stay home or hang out […]